Sunday 12 February 2017

A Shave reminiscent of the Woodland Countryside

So recently, some weeks back, I went away on a trip to the township of Daylesford with my partner for about 3 days. We stayed in a cottage, on the outskirts of the main township, right in the middle of the wooded countryside. It was quite a change from the hustle and bustle of the city of Melbourne,  where I reside.

It was a beautiful place, so quiet, so peaceful. The place looked like a scene out of Man of Steel, when Clark visits his mother Martha to get away from it all.

Beautiful, right? I could have lived at that place forever,  and not even given a care of the busy, outside world. 

But wait, where is this story leading? Well, one of the things I loved about the place was the air, the lack of pollutants and traffic, and the scent of the woodlands surrounding the cottage. Whilst walking around, taking the pictures you see above, I asked myself,  "wouldn't it be amazing if there was a shaving soap scent reminiscent of this clean, woodland air? ". 

So, I set about looking for a shaving soap or cream that did just that! Now, to my surprise, I could not find many soaps that fulfil this specification. I tried many online stores, but I finally found one at The Stray Whisker. It's by Barrister & Mann, and its the Taiga Scent, from the Latha range of soaps.

The Latha Taiga Shave Soap, by Barrister and Mann (B&M) consists of a Balsam / Pine / Cedar concoction that I must say, each iteration of the scent compliments each other amazingly. One Whiff of this stuff in its non-blooming soap format, really carries the Pine scent with the hint of Cedar. It smells really fresh and enlightening. So far, so good!

Now the great stuff happens when this soap starts to bloom with a bit of hot water.

The whole room livens up with the scents of Cedar, Balsam and a hint of pine. The one thing I love about this soap is that it changes drastically when blooming, and to be honest, both iterations of this soap, with or without blooming, is amazing. Honestly, after my pre-shave shower, I could have sworn that the whole bathroom smelled like the Woodland Countryside of Daylesford. Now that's an experience one should be having with a new shave soap!

Overall, this soap Lathers amazingly. Within 15 seconds, I could whip up an amazing, creamy lather base that, with a further 35 seconds of lathering, gave some amazing lathery peaks. Another thing I love about this soap is its ability to stay hydrated for longer. I did not have to keep adding water to the bowl to keep it from drying out after the few times I have lathered up with this soap. It is also Super Slick, allowing my DE to just glide seamlessly over my face, no irritation given.

Overall, I am so happy that I have found a scent that reminds me of a very happy, relaxing and therapeutic time. That is what wet shaving should be about. It's about reliving an experience, whether it be a safety razor that your grandfather gave you, or an aftershave or soap that holds a scent reminiscent of a great memory. I have had 2 amazing shaves with this soap so far, and today's shave was no exception. Happy shaving guys!

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