Saturday 20 October 2018

It's been a long time...

Hey guys, thanks for reading this post. It's been a long time between drinks, having made my last blog post in February this year.
That is where life just... happened, I guess. I'm using this post as a reflection somewhat of what I have been up to and what I have in store for you guys.

What I've been up to

Specifically, I have been busy with a house move, moving into my first home with my partner in March, and eventful that was! Let's just say, getting a builder and a contractor to work together is like cooking WITHOUT gas! Alas, the move was completed and following on, a lot of adjustment with regard to my wet shaver's acquisition addiction needed to halt in order to make room for life's expenses.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely still wet shaved, that did not stop. Appearances must be kept up and routine must keep going.

Along with this, I went on the long-winded, but satisfying application process of enlisting into the Army Reserve. Something I have always wanted to do, but again, life, study, work commitments, all took precedence. Now the challenging process of keeping in shape, and keeping the mind sharp, before embarking on the Recruit Training course.

But wait, it does not end there. We got a puppy!! Yep, they say committing to the love, care, nurture and attention that a puppy requires isn't unlike preparing for a new born baby. Might I say, whoever "they" are, weren't wrong! She's a beautiful toy poodle named Lulu, and is she ever quite the mischievous pup. Clever also. No doubt I'll be keeping you all posted on the developments that arise with little Lulu.

What I have in store

Life has settled for me a bit now, and as you have all been reading my posts, which I find absolutely enlightening to write and reflect upon, I see it fit to review, test and try out a few news things on the horizon. 

I have a few new safety razor reviews to make, about 3 so far on my count, as well as a boat load of aftershave lotion and shaving cream reviews as well. This is minus the gear I have yet to acquire. It's going to get really interesting!! 

Thanks for reading guys, and if you got this far, thanks for sticking with me! 

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